Expression of Interest in Participating in Peer Community In (PCI) Psychology

Use this form to show interest in becoming a recommender or managing board member for PCI Psychology, or becoming a reviewer for manuscripts submitted to PCI Psychology.

If you need clarification on what recommenders and managing board members do, you can read more about these roles here.

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Email (please double-check the spelling)
Current position & institutional affiliation
What are your areas of expertise? Please select all that apply: *
If you have expertise in an area that is not adequately captured by the categories above, please use this space to describe it.
Brief description of EDITING experience, if any (e.g., what journals do you currently edit or have edited in the past, in what role, how long did you serve. This can include serving as an associate editor, guest editor of a special issue, and so on -- any role in which you were the person making the decision on manuscripts based on reviewer comments) *
Brief description of PEER REVIEWING experience, if any
Please select all that apply:   

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