Midterm Meeting co-sponsored by IFLA Sections
Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB), Library Theory and Research (LTR), Preservation and Conservation (PresCons), School Libraries (SL) and SIGs Library History (LH) with Religions: Libraries and Dialogue (RELINDIAL)
Vatican City, Rome and Frascati
22-24 March 2024
The 3-day (+1) IFLA Midterm Co-sponsored Meeting is planned to be held in the Vatican City (Vatican Library) on Friday, March 22; in Rome (Casa Generalizia dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane / Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its Lasallian Libraries, Museum and Archives) Saturday, March 23, and in Frascati, Rome (Accademia Vivarium Novum at Villa Falconieri) on Sunday, March 24
Regular Fee: 150.00 €
Student Fee: 100.00 €
One-day Fee: 65.00 €
The Regular and Student fee is cumulative and inclusive of the three days and covers refreshments, coffee breaks and lunch on Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March.
The deadline for registration is the 20th March 2024.