Automatic Voter Registration Lobby Day 2018
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Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 |                                                  State House Room 428 |                                                                         9:30 Registration |                                                                                                         10:00 Speakers and training |                                                                   11:15 Lobbying meetings with legislators                                    (pre-arranged by Coalition)
Automatic voter registration (AVR) is the next step in voting rights. It shifts our voter registration from an opt-in system to an opt-out one, involving more citizens in the political process. It also costs less in the long run and makes voting rolls more accurate and secure. Approximately 680,000 eligible citizens are currently not registered to vote in Massachusetts--AVR could give them a voice in our democracy.

The Election Modernization Coalition will be hosting a lobby day for constituents to sit face-to-face with their representatives and tell them why we need AVR here in Massachusetts. Sign up today to be a part of the movement!

What is a lobby day? It's a day when members of the public meet with their representatives at the State House to explain why an issue (in this case, AVR) is so important. We will spend an hour teaching you the tips and tricks to speaking with legislators before sending you off to attend scheduled meetings with your representatives to advocate for this vital reform.

Registration and training will take place in Room 428 in the State House (24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133).

Questions? Email Devon at
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