Comprehensible Input for Multilingual Learners
It is vital for teachers to make key words in objectives, directions, and reading passages understandable to their multilingual learners.  Explore this module to see various ways to build this understanding.
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Making Meaning of Words Through Visuals, Real Items, Videos, and More!
1. Watch this 5-minute YouTube video by Valentina Gonzalez demonstrating how to use comprehensible input.  Be ready for the opening segment in which Valentina demonstrates how multilingual learners feel in the classroom without the teacher's application of the concept of comprehensible input.  After the video, list what you already do to build comprehensible input in your classroom. *
Comprehensible Input Demonstration
2. The SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction Operational Protocol) is referenced in the first video of this Module.  The SIOP Model incorporates comprehensible input into a larger instructional framework.  For a quick overview of the model to see where comprehensible input fits with other factors to consider for multilingual learners, watch the 3-minute video below.  Note if you would like to look for more resources on the SIOP Model at the websites: or .

Captionless Image
Understanding the SIOP Model
3. A common strategy for teachers of multilingual learners is to include pictures and icons of key words and phrases as often as possible to aid in understanding.  Some good sites to look for pictures to add to your lesson presentations are:

Look through the sites and watch these two 2-minute videos below then note which resources you want to use for yourself to post pictures and annotations near words in your objectives or on slides you are presenting with lesson content to your students.
Using Visuals for Comprehensible Input
How Simple Visual Cues Can Improve Your Teaching Materials
4. A way to envision what we're doing with students is to think of input (listening and reading) and output (speaking and writing).  These communication skills can be used effectively together to enhance the acquisition and learning in the target language of English.  After watching the 11-minute video, note ideas you have about making your input and output expectations for multilingual learners more accessible. *
Input and Output for Second Language Learning
5. Graphic organizers or thinking links can be very effective structures to help multilingual learners unpack the connections for a word or among concepts.  Watch this 8-minute video from Smithsonian Science that shows effective use of graphic organizers within video clips from a class including multilingual learners.  After watching,  jot down ideas that you want to highlight in your own use of graphic organizers in the classroom.   *
Using Graphic Organizers with Multilingual Learners
6. Another strategy to try for increasing comprehensible input is a language log.   Watch this 8-minute video from Smithsonian Science with videos from a classroom lesson to illustrate the steps of using a language log strategy.  After the video, write some ideas of units or topics you teach that would be appropriate to use a language log. *
English Learners in STEM: A Language Log 
7. Another idea is TPR or Total Physical Response.  Watch this 7-minute video made by Nancy Taylor on YouTube for step-by-step directions on performing two types of TPR as you are teaching objectives/directions and teaching content vocabulary.  After watching, jot down a few actions you may want to incorporate into your next lesson with your newcomers or emerging bilinguals to increase comprehensible input.   *
Using Total Physical Response (TPR)
8. The following is a list of teaching strategies to help in planning and delivering lessons for more comprehensible input for students.  Below is a 3-minute video to watch with examples of some of the following items.  Note which ones you may want to add to your current teaching repertoire.

*Give clear instructions and demonstrate step-by-step
*Show examples of finished products for students to see the expectations of the assignment
*Explain directions in simple oral language and have written directions posted for students to keep referring back as they work
*Chunk content and learning sequences into small bites
*Have students discuss ideas with other students in their native language and then share back their answers in English
*Use graphic organizers and thinking links to create visual organizations of important concepts
*Use frequent checks for understanding--individually and with all pupil response
*Incorporate realia with props or items along with the videos and pictures to build understanding
Comprehensible Input with Ideas from the SIOP Model
9. Here are four more short tips in this 4-minute video created by Edutopia.  After the video, jot down which possibilities are right for you in your classroom. *
4 More Ways to Support Multilingual Learners
10. This portion is an optional resource for learning, if you are interested.  Here is a 12-minute video about Cross Languages in the Classroom as a way of valuing the understanding both languages can contribute in an asset-based approach.  It involves translanguaging and studying the grammar and linguistic structures with young learners to deepen their capacity for comprehensible input.  Watch for ideas you can jot down for yourself.
Cross Languages in the Classroom
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