Sustainable Solano Internship Application
You may only apply for one internship each season. Multiple applications will be ignored.
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Full name: *
Telephone number: *
Email address *
Re-enter email address *
Do NOT copy and paste your email from above
Mailing address line 1 *
(e.g. 101 Main St) 

Address needed for paperwork and checks.
Mailing address line 2
(e.g. Apt #3A)
Mailing address, City *
(e.g. Vacaville)
Mailing address, Zip Code *
(e.g. 99999)
City of residence:  *
Preferred method of communication *
Your pronouns
Clear selection
Current Grade *
If you have graduated, please enter "HS GRAD"
Current school:
Are you over 18? *
If you are under 18: Name of your legal guardian:
If you are under 18: Legal guardian's relationship to you:
Clear selection
If you are under 18: Legal guardian's telephone number:
If you are under 18: Legal guardian's email:
Clear form
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