Launching Nebraska-nauts Satellite Site Application
UPDATE - We are no longer accepting registration at this time. Please contact Dawn Lindsley, Program Director, if you want to get more information about how you can get involved.

                                                                                     - - - - - - - - -

If you are interested in serving as a satellite site location the Launching Nebraska-nauts into the 4-C'able Future, you are in the right place! We are looking for businesses, organizations, and schools who like to host this program throughout our great state. We do not have unlimited capacity for satellite sites so if you are interested, please let us know today. Fill in the required information below. You should receive an email confirmation within 2-3 days if you are selected. Priority will be given to those with larger groups and those willing to host other youth in their area.

We want to offer this program free to any Nebraska youth PreK to 12th grade interested in participating. The focus of this program is to teach the college and career readiness skills of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking through STEM-related content. Our secondary focus is showcasing how youth can live and work in Nebraska, and still be connected to careers products, and services we have all gain through space exploration - past, present, and future.

We expect satellite locations to attend one of the upcoming mission briefings so you are aligned with the program goals and expectations. Individual/Group registration is still required, regardless of youth attending onsite at Raising Nebraska or at a satellite location and a standard program evaluation instrument will be used and required to be turned in within two days of the event. There are three different options for participating as a satellite site so please keep this in mind when registering.

Levels of Participation
   - Level I - only participate in the in-flight education downlink
   - Level II - participate in the panel discussions and the in-flight education downlink
   - Level II - participate in the panel discussions, station activities (lessons with supply lists will be made
     available to you ahead of the event), and the in-flight education downlink
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Email *
Official Business/Organization/School Name *
Point of Contact Name and Title *
Business/Organization/School Address, City, State, Zip Code *
Point of Contact Phone Number *
Point of Contact Email Address *
In the event of an emergency, please give the name and phone number of who we can contact during off hours. *
Level of Participation (please see above in the instructions) *
Please describe why you would be a suitable satellite location and how you will help to create a high-quality experience for participants involved. *
Any additional information you would like to provide.
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