GSSM Internship Interest Form
The fundamental purpose of Global School of Sports Ministry is to identify and train committed Christian leadership in the effective use and understanding of sports ministry. To learn more about GSSM and our mission, click here: 

We are excited to offer internship positions this year and we believe that a team should be made up of people with a diversity of backgrounds, skills, gifts, and abilities.

If you are interested in interning with Global School of Sports Ministry, please fill out and submit the interest form below and we will be in touch with you within a few days.

If you have any questions about our internship positions or would like more information about the opportunities, please email Sequoi at

To learn more about GSSM, you can visit our website or social media:

*If you are a student at Liberty University and need volunteer hours for the LU Community Service Program, please note that at the bottom of this form. By volunteering with Global School of Sports Ministry you are also agreeing to follow the terms and expectations placed by your university.

*Interns must have access to their own computer.

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Email *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Employer (if you are a student, type "student") *
Job Position
Do you have any special talents or skills you have that you feel would benefit our organization? *
Please review these internship position titles and check what you're most interested in. You can select as many as you want. *
When would you be available to start your internship? *
How long do you need/want your internship to last? (Number of months or approximate start and end date). *
I am a student at Liberty University and would like for this internship to count towards my Community Service Hours.
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