Vivid Vision Retreat Application
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First & Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Describe briefly what type of business you're in and what you do? *
Your Past Year's Revenue *
Your Revenue Goal for the Next 12 Months *
What’s your *main reason* for wanting to attend the Vivid Vision retreat? *
What's your *biggest* challenge right now when it comes to gaining clarity and/or communicating your Vivid Vision? *
How would you rate the importance of getting help with your Vivid Vision right now on a scale of 1-10? *
1 being not important and 10 being ready to start and implement NOW.
If you qualify and are accepted to join us at the Vivid Vision Retreat June 22-25, 2022 are you in a position to invest financially? *
One Ticket (Person) = $3997,  Two Tickets (People) = $6997
If you can't make the June 2022 dates but still want to apply to get on the waitlist for future dates please check the box below.
Where did you learn about us? *
Anything else you’d like us to know?
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