Sankofa Sisterhood Writers' Retreat
QUESTIONNAIRE: please RSVP, make payment and send writing sample in a word or PDF document via email to - NOTE: Required writing sample: Your writing sample can be a combination of poetry and prose, short excerpts of a larger piece, published or unpublished work. It should be from 3 to 5 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12 font, and double spaced.
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Name: *
Cell number: *
Website: *
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TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: (1) How do you identify (culturally ethnically, sexual orientation) – OPTIONAL *
(2) When did you know you were a writer? Why do you write? *
(3) What is your genre? (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, science fiction, fantasy, playwright, journalism, etc.) *
(4) Have you ever attended a writing workshop/retreat? Describe your experience: *
(5) Why do you want to participate in the Sankofa Sisterhood Writers Retreat? *
(6) What do you expect from this retreat? *
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