Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Section *
Resource Speakers Assessment
Please assess the effectiveness of the entire seminar according to the indicators below. Please refer to the following rating scale.

4 - Very High; 3 - High; 2- Low; 1 - Very Low
After the conduct of the seminar by the team and considering participant's outputs I believe that .... *
1 (Very Low)
2 (Low)
3 (High)
4 (Very High)
the workshop was well planned
the workshop objectives were met
new information was clearly presented
new information was appropriate to participants’ roles and responsibilities
training activities moved quickly enough to maintain participants' interest
contribution of all participants, both male and female, were encouraged
participants were encouraged to consider how ideas and skills gained during the training could be incorporate into their own practices
workshop topics were summarized
Power Point presentations supported the flow of sessions
the resources provided were appropriate to participants' needs
What were the successful details of the seminar? Why? (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
What changes would you like to make to improve similar seminars in the future? Why? (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
Recommendations (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
Program Assessment
Please assess the effectiveness of the entire component of the program according to the indicators below. Please refer to the following rating scale.

4 - Strongly Agree; 3 - Agree; 2 - Disagree; 1 - Strongly Disagree
Program Planning/ Management/ Preparation *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
the program was delivered as planned
the program was managed efficiently
the program was well-structured
Attainment of Objectives *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
the program objectives were clearly presented
the session objectives were logically arranged
the program and session objectives were attained
Delivery of Program Content *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
program content was appropriate to trainees’ roles and responsibilities
content delivered was based on authoritative and reliable sources
new learning was clearly presented
the session activities were effective in generating learning
management of learning was effectively structured e.g. portfolio, synthesis of previous learning, etc.
Trainees' Learning *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
trainees were encouraged to consider how ideas and skills gained during the training could be incorporated into their own practices
contribution of all trainees, both male and female, were encouraged
trainees demonstrated a clear understanding of the content delivered
Resource Speakers Conduct of Sessions *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
the resource speakers' competencies were evident in the conduct of the sessions
teamwork among the resource speakers and staff was manifested
resource speakers established a positive learning environment
training activities moved quickly enough to maintain trainees' interest
Provision of Support Materials *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
training materials were clear and useful
powerpoint presentations supported the flow of the sessions
the resources provided were appropriate to trainees’ needs
Program Management Team *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
Program Management Team members were courteous
Program Management Team was efficient
Program Management Team was responsive to the needs of trainees
Venue and Accommodation *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
the venue was well lighted and ventilated
the venue was comfortable with sufficient space for program activities
the venue had sanitary and hygienic conditions
Meals were nutritious and sufficient in quantity and quality.
the accommodation was comfortable with sanitary and hygienic conditions
Overall *
1 (Strongly Disagree)
2 (Disagree)
3 (Agree)
4 (Strongly Agree)
i have the knowledge and skills to apply the new learning
What do you consider your most significant learning from the program? (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
What changes  would you suggest to improve similar programs in the future? (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
Briefly describe what you have learned and how it will help you with your work/ studies. (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
What further recommendations do you have? (Minimum of 1 sentence) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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