2026 WCCPBA Nominations
Nominate books in picture-book format and those that you consider to be a good read-aloud for a K-3 audience. These may be either fiction or nonfiction. Please check the WCCPBA webpage for additional information regarding the consideration of books.
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Title of Book *
Type the title of the book you wish to nominate. Please put beginning articles (A, An, The) at the end of the title.
Author's FIRST Name *
Author's LAST Name *
Is the author a person of color?
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Publisher *
Year Published *
Where has this book been reviewed?
Check any/all you are aware of. (not required, but helpful)
Your Name *
Please type your first and last name
WLA - School Librarian Division Member? *
Your School District or Organization *
Lesson Ideas
Please list any lesson ideas, curriculum connections, or activity gems that might work well with this book. (not required, but helpful)
Book Connections
What other book titles might this book connect to? (not required, but helpful)
Is there anything else you'd like the committee to know about this book?
Please mention how it works with kids, special features, what makes this book unique, etc.  Do NOT give a summary of the book.
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