Rio Capital of the G20 Side Event Submission Form

Welcome to the official Rio Capital of the G20 Associated Event Submission Form. We are delighted to invite you to submit your proposals for Official Associated Events that will complement the Rio G20 Agenda. Please note that all submissions will be thoroughly evaluated, and acceptance is not guaranteed. We appreciate your interest in contributing to the success of this prestigious event in Rio.

Please note, due to the high volume of requests received, delays may occur. Therefore we advise submitting your request in advance - at least 6 weeks.

Please contact if you require further information.

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Email *
Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Fill in optional fields to give further information about your Associated Event. Please insert your content considering the specifications.

*Intended support from Rio City Hall:  
Select the macro theme of your side event:
Select one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to your side event:
Title of your Side Event
Name of organizers (institution/project, including partners as appropriate)

Event Contact Information
Date of Side Event

Event Duration:

Event Time:
*Is your Side Event related to any G20 official track or meeting?

If yes, please specify
*What is the impact of your Side Event?

Target group (max. 200 characters with spaces).

Event category – please choose only one:
- Interactive lecture
- Lecture
- Workshop
- Webinar
- Interactive Panel
- Panel
- Hackathon
Please provide a brief description of the context and background of your event (max.3000
characters whit spaces)
Please describe the approach of your event, highlighting the key strategies and methods you
plan to implement (max. 2000 characters whit spaces).
Scalability and Replicability:
Provide insights into how your event's scalability and replicability have been considered (max.
2000 characters whit spaces).
Technical implementation:
Please provide details on the technical implementation of your event, specifying the expected
number of participants and the type of venue or platform that will host the event, including any
considerations for connectivity, security, or accessibility (max. 800 characters whit spaces).
Language and available simultaneous translations in main and breakout room sessions:
Involved people (speakers, moderators, hosts)
First and last names, position and organization of the involved people:
Short agenda of your Side Event (max. 500 characters with spaces)
Please use this format and add the overall topics:
Clear selection
Participation Information:
• Is a registration needed to participate?
o If so, please insert a link to the registration form o If so, by when do participants have to register for the Side Event?
(We recommend keeping the registration open until the start of your side event.)
How many people can participate, is there a limited number of participants?
What are your expected outcomes of the Side Event – please use bullet points:
Session Link (Where and how do you want to promote your Side Event):
Supported Types: Live Session Link (e.g.,Zoom / Webex / Teams), Website, PDF, Paper, Social
Media (e.g., Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn)

Link Title 1* – please add the link to your live session or your registration form of your
Side Event:

Link URL:

Link Title 2 – name your hyper link without unsightly numbers and characters:
Link URL:
Sem título Comments:
Please send us all the information that you were not able to include in the form but would like to
get promoted by us via email.
Submit Your Side Event
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