Peoples Center Bus to Washington June 18, 2022
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Peoples Center Bus to Washington:  Details
On June 18th the Mass Poor Peoples’ & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly will march on Washington, D.C. and to the Polls for a “generationally transformative declaration of the power of poor and low wealth people to say this system is killing all of us."  

The New Haven Peoples Center is chartering a bus that will depart from Hartford at midnight and stop in New Haven on Sat June 18 at 1 am continuing to DC, arriving back in Connecticut around 1 am on Sunday June 19.

Please fill out the sign up and contribution form below and shar with comrades, family and friends.  

Cost is $100 per person.  Financial assistance is available.  If you cannot travel on the bus, you can also pay for a bus seat for someone else.  

Checks should be made out to New Haven Peoples Center, and mailed to New Haven Peoples Center/Bus Trip, 37 Howe Street, New Haven, CT 06511.  

Contact:, OR leave a message at 203-624-8664
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