REGISTRATION for Intercultural Mom’s Club -Meet, Talk & Share on-Line-オンラインおしゃべり広場2021年11月~12月
<What is this event?>

-Two chat sessions on Zoom for English speaking moms residing in Iwate are to be provided.

Raising children in a different culture and a new environment is an exciting adventure but also could be a challenge.
This is a good opportunity to meet other intercultural mothers and share your experiences, thoughts, and wishes in everyday life.

If you have some concerns about child/children, feel isolated, have some frustration or concerns, please join the session for a change.

<About Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation Iwate KOSODATE Netto>

"Kosodate" is a Japanese word which means child raising, and Netto is a shortened form of "network" in a Japanese way.
Iwate KOSODATE Netto is an approved specified nonprofit corporation (approved specified NPO) to support parents, babies, toddlers and preschool children.

-2002 Iwate KOSODATE Netto Liaison Council was established.
-2004 Certified as a Specified Nonprofit Corporation.
-2014 Certified as an Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation.

Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation Iwate KOSODATE Netto (Approved Specified NPO Iwate KOSODATE Netto), which is located in Morioka, runs the following three support centers for mother and child as an outsourcing business by Iwate Prefecture and Morioka City:
Kosodate Support Center, Morioka Kosodate Support Plaza “ma*mall” and Morioka City Gathering Space “Nikokko”.

Iwate KOSODATE Netto provides mothers and children opportunities to meet, gives advice and information on childcare and implements various seminars to support parents.
Iwate KOSODATE Netto also takes actions, in cooperation with other companies or organizations, to improve child-raising circumstance by creating games for children in nature, supporting relocated families with children or organizing programs to increase awareness of social responsibility for child growth.


-The Zoom sessions will be recorded only for our own record.

-This event is funded by Goldman Sachs Emergency Child Support Fund.

We are required to submit a report to the funder and some photos without facial identification and participants' submitted personal information except names and email addresses will be documented in the report.

-The photos without facial identification will be also used in the homepage and Facebook page of Iwate KOSODATE Netto.

-Participants' submitted personal information except names and email addresses will be documented in a disclosable report of our organization.

-Please do not take photo or video of the sessions.

-Please install Zoom app if you do not have in your device. It is recommended to use WIFI connection.

-In case of oversubscription, there will be a draw. If you are not selected, you will be waitlisted.

-We will send you a Zoom invitation by email from which you can enter the sessions. Please do not share this invitation with anyone else.

-Information for private consultation is to be provided to only Zoom session participants.

-Participants are required to submit a simple survey after each session in order to make the following session(s) better and to form better future programs.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1.Full Name (First Name and Last Name ) (名前) *
2.Email Address (メールアドレス) *
We will contact you and send you a Zoom invitation by email. If you do not have email address, please acquire one using free email services. (Zoom参加の連絡をするために必要です。メールアドレスがない方はフリーメール等を取得してください。)
3.How many children do you have? (お子さんは何人ですか?) *
4.Age(s) of your child/children (それぞれのお子さんの年齢) *
5.Name of the City/Town where you live. (お住いの町の名前)
6.Which country are you from?(どちらのご出身ですか?)
7.How long have you been in Iwate?(岩手に住んで何年ですか?)
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8.Please check all the dates you will participate. (日程:参加できる回すべてにチェックを入れてください。) *
9.What would you like to talk about in the sessions?(Multiple answers allowed)(セッションではどんなことを話してみたいですか?)(複数回答可)
10.How did you learn about this event? (何を見て参加を申し込まれましたか?)
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11ー①."I give permission for the sessions to be recorded only for your organization's record. (「私は貴団体の記録のためだけに、セッションを録画することを許可します。」) *
11-② ”I give permission for photos without my facial identification and my submitted information except my name and my email address to be used in the report to Goldman Sachs Emergency Child Support Fund. (私は、わたしの顔が識別できない写真と、名前とメールアドレス以外の個人情報をゴールドマンサックス緊急子供支援基金への報告書に使うことを許可します。」) *
11-③ ”I give permission for photos without my facial identification to be used in the homepage and Facebook page of Iwate KOSODATE Netto. (私は、わたしの顔が判別できない写真を子育てネットのホームページとフェイスブックページで使用することを許可します。) *
11-④ ”I give permission to use my submitted personal information except my name and email address in the publishable report for Iwate KOSODATE Netto.” (「私は、名前とメールアドレス以外の個人情報を、公開可能ないわて子育てネットの報告書に使用することを許可します。 *
12. Anything else you would like us to know?(他に何かありましたらお書きください。)
Thank you for taking time to complete this registration form.
We will soon contact you by email to confirm your registration and send you an invitation to the Zoom sessions which includes URL to enter the sessions.

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