AF Technical Team Applications 
If you have any questions about the application form, please don't hesitate to message me, Abbie Gresty (Tech Manager), directly!
For more info on the different roles follow this link! Tech Roles Descriptions
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Full Name *
What year of study are you? *
Are you more interested in 'A Doll's House' or 'Fame' ? *
Would you like to be considered for other shows? *
What's your availability like from September to March? (mainly Monday and Thursday evenings 2022/23) *
What area are you interested in? *
What past experience do you have in technical theatre/backstage? (If you have no past experience, what do you think you could bring to the role?)
What attributes or qualities do you have which would make you ideal for your chosen role(s)?
What do you believe your main responsibilities to be for your chosen role(s)? If multiple roles selected, please specify for all roles. Please do not worry if you are unsure, just try your best to answer!
Would you be happy to have an online/face-to-face interview? Please don't take this as an indication you have the role, it is purely just to discuss some of your answers in more detail :) *
Do you have any medical conditions you would like us to be aware of? (This will NOT affect your application) *
Finally, anything else you would like to mention?  *
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