Join the C20 Civic Space Sub-Working Group!
The Civic Space Sub-WG invites all interested national and international civil society actors to participate in Sub-Working Groups. This Civil 20 (C20) is one of the official Engagement Groups of the Group of 20 (G20). It provides a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) around the world to voice the people’s aspirations with the world’s leaders in G20.

In the 2022 C20, civic space issue are included in Education, Digitalisation and Civic Space Working Group. PSHK (Indonesia) was appointed as Chair of the sub-working group with Yappika-ACTION AID (Indonesia) and Penabulu (Indonesia) as Co-Chairs.

Please register your information below so we can add your organization to our sub-working group communication network. All personal information inputted are protected, and going to be used for the sole purpose of working group communication. If you have further questions, please reach us at 
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