If you are ready to prioritize your well-being and can commit to doing the work required for healing, then apply by filling in the info below. This form will help me get to know you a bit better so I can best serve your needs.

My group coaching containers are a safe space to learn, grow, heal and celebrate the journey.

The women who work with me are amazing (just like you), and often really hard on themselves.
Working together, I will expect you to show up and do your best, especially when it feels inconvenient.
Learning to prioritize your well-being is a new muscle we need to train, especially if people pleasing and pouring from an empty cup have been your go-to for years now.

When you feel better, you can do better - and show up better, for everyone in your life.

I'm going to teach you how to be selfish with your self care, so that you can be selfless in your life.

Ready to get rolling?? Fill out the form below and I will get back to you within 48 hours. Be sure to check your "junk" folder in case the email doesn't make it to your inbox.

xo Marie

*US, CAD & UK only*
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Email *
Name (First/Last) *
Phone Number *
Instagram Handle: *
Where do you live? *
Have you ever been a part of an online wellness challenge before? *
Check which best describes you *
Do you have any health concerns, dietary restrictions or limitations? *
On a scale of 1-10, where would you rate your relationship with fitness? *
On a scale of 1-10, where would you rate your relationship with food? *
What is your favourite form of exercise?
Tell me about your relationship with your body. When you walk by the mirror, what do you think or say? *
Current struggles with nutrition. (Check all that apply):
What do you feel are your biggest obstacles when it comes to getting the results you want? *
Do you currently live your life according to your cycle?  Are you aware of some patterns + rhythms your body goes through each month? (no wrong answer here) *
Do you have any injuries or limitations I should know of? *
What does your morning look like from the time you wake up until you start doing your responsibilities? *
What does an average day of eating look like for you? *
Do you struggle with snacking? Do you buy supplements and snack bars already? Please list them. *
How long have you been trying to reach your goals? What are you currently doing and spending money on to reach them? *
How do you want to FEEL? What's your greatest struggle right now when it comes to achieving that feeling? *
Check all that apply to you *
What's your preferred choice of contact? *
When are you ready to get started?? (Excitement is definitely encouraged here. You're a badass pursuing your next best Self! GO LIL ROCKSTAR!) *
Any other questions / concerns you want to share with me?
Ready to begin your healing journey with me? Press submit & I'll get back to you within 48 hours! And then the real fun begins! xo Marie
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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