Illustrator Contact Form
Hello! My name is Brian LaRossa, I’m executive art director in Scholastic’s hardcover picture book group, where I’ve worked for 20 years. I oversee our Branches and Acorn imprints which are beginning graphic readers and illustrated chapter books, I also oversee our younger nonfiction series, and a good number of stand alone fiction and nonfiction picture books for our Orchard imprint.

If you're an illustrator who is interested in working together I would love to hear from you! I've created this form to help me capture a record of your interest. Please note that this form is not time-sensitive. I keep it live year-round. When beginning new projects I routinely check the spreadsheet for new submissions and search/sort my notes on previous submissions. In addition, I also regularly post open calls, exclusively on Bluesky. I invite you to follow me there and submit your work! If your work is a good fit for an upcoming title I will reach out at that time. Until then, take care!
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