Registration form for the international conference "Food Isn't Only On the Plate"
Please fill in this form for your attendance.

The Conference Info:
WHEN? 4 - 6 April (4 - 5 April - recommended dates to attend, on 6 April there is an optional program available)
WHERE? The city of Pilsen (Moving Station, The Plzensky Prazdroj conference hall, Creative Zone DEPO2015)
ANY FEES? The main program of the conference is free.
We fully cover lunches (on 4 and 5 April) and coffee breaks (during the whole conference).
However,  there is a fee for the optional evening program (including culinary workshops, wine degustation etc. - see the "admission fee" note for such events below in the form).
MAIN CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: English. The main program will be interpreted (CZE <-> ENG).

The Conference is limited to 100 participants; therefore we suggest to do your registration as soon as possible.

This event is a program part of the 10th year of the Festival of Arab Culture in Pilsen and it is organised under the auspices of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Among our other conference partners are: the City of Pilsen, the Goethe-Institut in Prague, The Pilsner Urquell Brewery, DEPO2015 Creative Zone, Koreni od Antonina.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at kontakt(at)
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Name and Surname *
Institution/ University/ Other *
Country of residence *
Contact (e-mail/ phone) *
Please indicate why would you like to participate and which part of the conference you are particularly interested in and would like to attend. (Do not worry this is simply preliminary information, it can be changed later).
Also, the program is subject to change.
Why would you like to attend this event? Do you have any experiences in the field of food history, food culture etc.?
Day 1, April 4th
Day 2, April 5th
Day 3, April 6th
Do you need our help with accommodation? Note: We are able to cover accommodation only to the panelists, but we can help you with booking and getting a discount in one of our partner hotels.
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If your answer was "yes", please fill in the exact dates of your stay
Dietary requirements
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Special needs / notes
By checking the boxes you agree with the following terms. Your consent is mandatory for the participation at the conference.
Terms of Registration: *
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