Reaching Students Through Open Pedagogy and Digital Media
Creating digital media, including video and audio, for use in teaching and learning has never been easier. Whether it’s a short lecture video for students to watch before class, a class podcast with student-produced episodes, or an interactive tutorial for students to review before an exam, faculty and other instructors have lots of options for creating and sharing multimedia resources with their students.

Co-sponsor: Digital Commons, Digital Scholarship & Communications, Center for Teaching

Facilitators:  Andrew Wesolek, director of digital scholarship & scholarly communications, DiSC, and Rhett McDaniel, assistant director for digital media, CFT

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 1st, 3:00pm - 4:00 pm

Location: Zoom (a link will be emailed to registrants before the event)

Open to Vanderbilt faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdocs.

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