2023 Jordan Tour Registration
Wisdom Passages
8309 Henderson Road
Apex, NC  27539
Phone: 641-780-8737

July 2-5

Tours are led by Dr. Tim Sigler

If you use a Gmail email address, your progress will be saved as you fill out this form.

If you wish to register for another tour, do not use this form. Contact us at info@wisdompassages.com or visit our website for upcoming tour details.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name as it appears on your passport *
Phone Number - include country code if you don't live in the United States *
Passport Number
Passport Expiration Date
Please answer if you do NOT have a passport
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Your passport must be valid for at least six months following your entry date to your travel destination. Will your passport expire at least six months after the date of travel?
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Date of Birth (Type in month, day, year) *
Nationality *
Gender *
Country of Residence *
Address *
Names of friends or family traveling with you
Room preference
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(If applicable) I would like to share a double room with
Air travel preference *
Please choose one *
Dietary restrictions *
Emergency contact (name, email, phone) *
For your own safety and the benefit of those caring for you in the event of an injury, please list all communicable diseases, mental health conditions, and medications.  If none, please type "None" *
List all medications (please do not begin or cease prescriptions in conjunction with travel without the consent of your doctor).  If none, please type "None"
Click the link to read the ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER, & RELEASE OF LIABILITY: https://www.wisdompassages.com/tour-waiver
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE WITH the ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER, & RELEASE OF LIABILITY and I fully understand its content. I am aware this is a waiver & release of liability. *
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