December Pop-Up Food Pantry
In partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, Stanford R&DE will host a pilot monthly food distribution event for Stanford students and their affiliates who self-identify as food insecure.  Each eligible household will receive ~150 pounds of food at no cost.

The December event will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 2019 from 1-3:00 pm (note extended time) at RAINS HACIENDA.  Please bring your own grocery bags, transportation (e.g., wagon, stroller, cart, suitcase, car), and Stanford University ID.

In an effort to reduce food waste we will order food items based on the number of anticipated participants who submit this form by Monday, November 25.  Please complete this form to indicate your intent to participate in the December pop up food pantry and the size of your household.  Please note: completing this form does not guarantee that you will receive food as food will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you sign up but are then unable to attend, please fill out this form:
by Monday, November 25 so that we can adjust our order.

Please take our survey to help us gauge the correct amounts of items to order:

The success and sustainability of this program depends on the participation of students.  Please sign up to volunteer at the event - three time slots are available per day:

To receive future communication about pantry events please subscribe to this newly created listserv:  
Note, we will no longer communicate via individual emails

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please indicate your Stanford status. Please note that food is only available for Stanford students and their affiliates. *
How many members are in your household? *
First and Last Name
Email address
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