
The purpose of the Openness-index is to provide a comprehensive picture of the openness of Hungarian employers and their related challenges. Please fill out the questionnaire below and help WeAreOpen better understand the problems faced by employers in our region.

Filling out the questionnaire only takes a few minutes: please support our work and fill it out now!

Click here for the Hungarian version!

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Email *
Name *
Company name *

How many people does your company employ? 


What sector does the company you work at operate in?


Is it important to you that your workplace is diverse and inclusive? 


If yes (rather likely or more likely) Why?

Because a diverse and inclusive workplace…

How inclusive do you think your workplace is?


Inclusive workplaces regard it as a fundamental corporate value that employees are judged solely on the basis of their actions and their work performance, and without regard for their sex, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic background, political convictions, physical abilities, or other characteristics. Inclusive workplaces mean that employees can feel safe, they can be themselves, and they can share their opinions. 

Not inclusive at all

What does your company do for diversity and inclusion currently? 


In terms of inclusive corporate culture, what are the biggest challenges at your company at the moment? (mark all that cause problems)


We want to support you in finding solutions to your challenges. Which is the area in which you would most need the services of WeAreOpen?

Do you accept our privacy policy *
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