Community-Led Fundraising Interest Form
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Your Name *
Your email *
Why do you want to fundraise for Help One Now's Family Business Program? What led you to say yes?
How do you plan to let people know about your fundraiser? (select all that apply)
When would you like to launch your fundraiser (keeping in mind most fundraisers last ~30 days) *
After this form, Help One Now will create a fundraiser link just for you. We'd love to include your why from above, but is there anything else we can include to personalize your link. Think about introducing this to your family: have you ever been in on a HON trip, what do you want people to know about you and why they should join you?
We are so excited to get started! Do you have any questions for us that we can answer as we get everything set up for you? List them here and we'll get back to you soon!
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