PS20M PTA Volunteer Sign-up 2020-21
I can help the PTA translate between English and .
 I can help with PS20 website updates, social media, videography and design.
  I can help with grant writing/fundraising.
  I can help with planning, set up and/or clean up for events such as
  the Autumn Festival, Lunar New Year Party, Hero Summit, Picture Day, etc.
  I can help with the Scholastic Book Fair.
  I can help with organizing teacher/staff appreciation.
  I can help with year-end elections for PTA and SLT (School Leadership Team).

These are other ways I can help the PTA and school community:
PS20 Student(s):
Class Year(s):
prefer calls prefer texts prefer emails
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Phone (optional)
Child's name *
Child's grade/class *
Which committee(s) are you interested in? (check all that apply) *
Are you willing to be a Chair who leads a committee? *
Can you provide in-person or remote assistance? *
Questions and comments
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