DCA Board of Directors Application

The Downtown Camas Association (DCA) Board of Directors is effectively driven by board members who are passionate about the development, vibrancy, economic strength and culture of Downtown Camas.

The DCA is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization founded in 2009 which works year round to strengthen and promote Downtown Camas through partnerships, events, beautification and historic preservation projects, public art engagement, economic development, advocacy, and tourism functions. Board members are responsible for the guidance and oversight of these initiatives.

Members of the Board of Directors of the DCA have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its goals. Members are expected to serve on committees and support fundraising efforts including volunteering at events. Members must believe in the purpose and mission of our organization and act responsibly and prudently as its steward. 

The DCA Board of Directors meets monthly and members serve in three year terms. 

Board applications are open for all to apply. Thank you for your interest and applying for this important role in our community.

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Name *
Affiliation/Employer *
Address *
Email *
Preferred Phone *
DCA board members are elected to serve terms of three years. Are you able to commit to a three-year term?  *
Have you served on a non-profit Board before?  *
If so, please describe your prior service, positions, and roles you held.
What makes the Downtown Camas Association meaningful to you?  *
The DCA Board is currently accepting applications for prospective Board members with the following specific areas of expertise and backgrounds. Please indicate if you have experience in or represent any of the following areas (mark all that apply):
Please describe your skills, knowledge, and experience related to the area(s) you indicated above. If you do not fit in the above categories, please describe your area of expertise that you would bring to the Board.  *
Describe your volunteer/employment/community service experience/roles that you feel best prepare you to serve on the DCA Board of Directors.  *
Please indicate which Board Committee(s) you would be most interested in serving on: 
(Committee information can be found here: https://downtowncamas.com/dca/four-point-approach-committee-activities ) 
What professional or personal constraints on your time or service might you anticipate?  *
Any additional information you would like to bring to the attention of the Board?
Please provide three professional references who you give permission for the Board Development Committee to contact regarding your qualifications to serve on the Board. 
Please include reference name, affiliation, relationship, and email and phone number for each.
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