Antarexxa WSW 2021 Space Tourism: Space Hero
These days, suddenly becoming an astronaut is no longer something that is unattainable. Within the next decade, it will be a ‘new normal’ for people to venture on a suborbital trip to space for a wedding or a weekend getaway. Currently, the cost of a private commercial spaceflight is still astronomically expensive and restricted to those who can afford the hefty price tag. It will take a while until the industry could bring the cost economically for it to be accessible by the wider market.

This leaves us to question: what about ordinary people who are not billionaires nor astronauts, but have always wanted to go to space? What are the chances for anyone to go to space if their Government does not have an astronaut program? Is there a chance for ordinary people to go to Space? Is space really accessible for everyone?

Join us on this session to learn about SPACE HERO, an upcoming reality television contest founded by Deborah Sass and Thomas Reemer that plans to send a winner to the International Space Station for ten days. The program is scheduled to air in 2023 and it is the new frontier for the entertainment sector, offering the first-ever truly off-planet experience. It is aiming to reinvent the reality TV category by creating a multi-channel experience that offers the biggest prize ever, to the biggest audience possible.

Space Hero is about opening space up to everyone – not only to astronauts and billionaires.
You too, can join the competition and win your chance to go to Space!

********* SESSION UPDATE ********* IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ !!!! **********
We deeply regret to inform you that this session has been RESCHEDULED to a date TBD due to unforeseen circumstances unintentionally. Deborah became unwell after her travels and need to rest to recover.
We will still keep the registration open to extend the list of participants.

IF YOU ARE STILL INTERESTED IN ATTENDING THE WEBINAR for the rescheduled date TBD, please FILL IN THE FORM so we can send you updates regarding the new date.

Thank you so much for your understanding!! At times like this, health is our no. 1 priority and we wish Deborah her speedy recovery.

Deborah Sass, Founding Partner of Space Hero
SESSION DATE: November 15-19 (TBD)

Deborah is a seasoned entertainment industry executive with a unique global perspective on doing business in today’s ever-interconnected world. Throughout the years she has worked with some of media and technology’s biggest names, TV & Radio channels in Australia. After returning back to the UK she secured roles working in Digital & Entertainment with clients such as Amazon, iTunes, Shazam and Spotify. Deborah has structured many international strategic partnerships with global brands. Deborah is also the founder of Five Hundred Female Founders.

Ivy Batuta, Indonesian Radio Broadcaster, TV Presenter, Master of Ceremony
Ann Cammaro, Antarexxa

For more information please email us at or send us a DM on our Instagram @antarexxa

Ad Astra,
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