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Private Coaching with Akanksha
Answering this form will enable me to feel into whether I will be the best aligned coach for the transformation that you seek and thus create a safe and loving container for you in your highest good
Kindly fill in the details to the best of your ability and I will get back to you via email with further details.
**Please note that all client information is for my eyes only and kept confidential.
Deep love & deep breaths,
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Full Name
Your answer
Contact Number
Your answer
What is your 'why' for being here?
Your answer
What are the goals that you seek to manifest through this transformation?
Your answer
What medium/ person did you discover me through?
Your answer
Do you have any medical conditions? Recent surgeries? Medications? If so please share below.
Your answer
Have you done embodied breathwork before?
I'm a first time breather
I've done it a few times
I'm an experienced breather
Are you currently receiving therapy from a psychologist or psychiatrist? If yes, how long has it been since you started?
Your answer
Please share info on your sleep quality, perceived stress levels and digestive health.
Your answer
On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being poorest quality and 10 being highest quality, how would you currently rate your mental health?
Poor quality
Good state
Is there anything else you would like me to know about you and your lifestyle?
Your answer
Breathwork Release And Waiver
By submitting this form I agree to have read and understood the
Breathwork Release And Waiver
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