Issue Spree Registration
The Issue Spree is a recurring event that takes place every three weeks on Tuesdays from 17:00 to 19:00 Swiss time via Zoom. During this event, participants collaborate in small teams to address Scala 3 compiler issues while simultaneously enhancing their understanding of the compiler.

While the event is open to everyone, it is recommended that participants have prior experience as Scala programmers and are familiar with compilers.

If you're participating for the first time, we kindly request you to fill out this form as well:

The teams, selected issues and the Zoom link for the Sprees will all be announced on the #scala-contributors channel on the Scala Discord server. Please join and monitor this channel to keep updated.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Issue you would like to work on

Please enter the number of the issue you would like to work on (e.g., 13124). If you don't have a specific issue in mind, you can leave this field blank. Dotty issues can be found at

While we will make every effort to assign you to your preferred issue, please note that depending on other registrations, we may need to assign you to another issue.

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