Help Us Make PartyLabz Better!
Your feedback is vital to us as it helps us continue to improve and make event planning stress-free and fun for everyone. Please take 3 minutes to answer this short survey. Your insights will guide us in making PartyLabz the best it can be. Use your email so we could send you a promo code for your next event.
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Email *
How likely will you recommend PartyLabz to others?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Was it easy to set up your event?
Very Difficult
Very Easy
How user-friendly is the PartyLabz interface?
Not User-Friendly at All
Very User-Friendly
How did your guests like using PartyLabz?
Hated It
Loved It
Are you satisfied with the following features? *
1 - Very Unsatisfactory, 5 - Very Satisfactory
RSVP settings
Appearance settings
Guest list
Messaging center
Did you face any issues or bugs?
If yes, please describe:
Any other comments or suggestions?

Thank You for Taking the Time to Help Improve Our Product

Your promo code is THANK-YOU-50
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