2020 AIA West Jersey Allied Membership
For detailed Allied Membership Information and Benefits, please visit our website or email us at secretary@aiawestjersey.org

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Company Name *
Point of Contact Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Are you renewing your AIA West Jersey Allied Membership? *
2020 Allied Membership Tier *
Package Descriptions
SAVE $50 on any allied membership package: Only if application and payment received before December 27, 2019.

>>Bronze Package - $375 <<
-Inclusion in one Quarterly Newsletter/Bulletin with Business Logo
-One social media article spotlight 200 words or less article about company and products/services provided by the company
-Inclusion of Business Logo and Representative contact information on our website.
-Inclusion of Business Logo and Representative contact information at sign-in table at all General Membership meetings (Allied Members must provide business cards or similarly sized materials for display and/or distribution).
-Attend all General Membership meetings/seminars at the standard AIA member price.
-Placement on AIA West Jersey mailing and emailing lists for the calendar year.
-Serve as AIA West Jersey committee members.
-Complimentary table at our ‘Meet our Allied Members’ event

>>Silver Package - $425 <<
($75 savings):  Includes all Bronze Membership Benefits above, plus one (1) showcase table event and verbal presentation.

>>Gold Package - $550 <<
($100 savings):  Includes all Bronze Membership Benefits above, plus two (2) showcase table events and verbal presentations.

>Option 1* - $175/event:  Showcase table at ONE AIA West Jersey General Meeting networking session (typically 30-60 minutes prior to meeting) to display brochures to the general membership.

>Option 2* – Cost Varies:  Bar sponsor or spotlight table at our Mini Expo and Allied Member Event, sponsorship of Networking Cocktail hours at General Membership Meetings, or Specific Networking Events. Contact us for more information!

>CANstruction Sponsorship - $500: Help our surrounding community by sponsoring this event to benefit the Food Bank of South Jersey. Event sponsors will have their logos on each team board displayed next to the structure as well on an event recap email distributed to all our members. Event sponsors are also welcome to attend the awards reception. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact us if additional information is needed.

*Included with either Option 1 or 2:  Verbal Presentation to AIA West Jersey Members and Guests, limited to 5-10 minutes, at the beginning of the sponsored General Membership Meeting or Specific Networking Event to introduce themselves and speak about their business, services offered, etc.
Preferred Meeting Dates for Showcase Table
(allocated on a first come first serve basis determined when application is received by AIA West Jersey; Note: *after an event date indicates a topic or event geared towards Emerging Professionals)
Bronze - Select (0) + 3/21; Silver - Select (1) + 3/21; Gold - Select (2) + 3/21; Option 1, 2 - Select your a la carte dates *
Interested in Joining one of our Committees? *
Interested in Providing a 'Small Firm' Brunch or Lunch & Learn? *
My method of payment is: *
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