Your Home Value
Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions!  By answering these questions, I'll be able to give you information you need to make an informed decision about selling or keeping your house.  Don't rely on the news to make a decision!  Real estate trends are very local, and the MS Gulf Coast market is healthy!   Once I get the survey back, I'll get in touch with you within 24 hours.  Please feel free to call, text or email any questions or concerns.  Thanks again for your time!  ~ Judy Atherton, eXp Realty 228-697-1803
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What is the full address of your house? *
How many bedrooms does your house have? *
How many bathrooms? *
Give us an estimate of the size/square footage of your house? *
Have you made any updates within the last 10 years? *
Are there any needed repairs? *
Is there anything else you think we should know? *
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