Simple Social Sanctuary/ENGAGE - Application/Waitlist
Hey awesome person!

Enrollment for the Simple Social Sanctuary is now by application & invitation ONLY.

If you'd like a spot in the SSS club (or ENGAGE Mastermind), fill out the following form to be added to the waitlist.

If your application is approved, you'll be offered a spot in the SSS when one opens up.

Thanks for your application and wishing you all the best in growing your Hypnosis or Coaching Business!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Full Name *
Best email to reach you at *
Your Facebook URL: *
Your Instagram URL: *
Do you know anyone in the SSS (or ENGAGE Mastermind) that will vouch for you? If so, state their name here.

Referrals from existing members will take precedent over non-reffered applicants.
Tell me briefly about your business *
Tell me briefly about your business growth goals *
I understand that if offered a position in SSS, I'll have limited time to accept it before the spot will be offered to the next person on the list. *
I understand that even after being accepted, SSS/ENGAGE are not "come and go as I please".

If you leave SSS or ENGAGE at any time, you'll need to return to the bottom of the waitlist if you wish to re-join.
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