Join TEDxNapier Bridge Dream Team
TEDxNapier Bridge is a platform that hosts inclusive TEDx conferences inspired by TED’s commitment to “ideas worth spreading.” Our goal is to create an extraordinary event of ideas, to foster game-changing dialogue, and to inspire action that implements real change in சென்னை.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Organization *
Have you attended a TEDx event before? *
Are you following TEDxNapier Bridge on Instagram? *

Please read responsibilities of your role you are applying at -
Which vertical are you applying? *
In case you would like to apply for one more vertical, which one would that be? *
All TEDxNapier Bridge openings/positions are voluntary and non-paid, but the rewards of being a part of such a meaningful and purpose-driven team are immeasurable.
Do you occasionally work or have classes on Saturday afternoons? *
Tell us in detail why do you want to join TEDxNapier Bridge and bit about yourself *
Tell us about your prior experience in vertical you are applying for? *
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