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Hwa Kang English Journal  Vol. 26, 2021 華岡英語期刊
Date of Submission  投稿日期 *
Which field does the submitted article belong to? 論文所屬領域 *
English Title of the Submitted Article 英文標題 *
Chinese Title of the Submitted Article (if any) 中文標題
Name of the Author (in Latin alphabets) 作者英文姓名 *
Name of the Author (in Chinese, if any) 作者中文姓名
Affiliation of the Author 服務機構 *
Position of the Author 職稱 *
Highest Degree Held by the Author 作者最高學歷 *
Academic Specialties of the Author 學術專長
Email Address 電子郵件 *
Corresponding Address 通訊住址 *
Telephone number 電話號碼 *
Mobile  Phone Number 行動電話號碼 *
Other Means of Contact 其他聯絡方式
Name(s) of the Coauthor(s) (in Latin alphabets) (if any) 共同作者英文姓名
Name(s) of the Coauthor(s) (in Chinese, if any)共同作者中文姓名
Highest Degree 最高學歷
Academic Specialties 學術專長
Guarantee Statement 保證宣言
I guarantee that 1) the information provided above is accurate and correct; 2) any part of the submitted paper has not been published or revewied simultaneously elsewhere; 3) the coauthors have actually participated in the research and the writing of the paper; 4) I did not violate academic ethics, nor do I infringe intellectual property rights. I hereby affirm that all guarantees which appear in this statement are true. If any breach of this guarantee statement is disclosed, I agree to accept HKEJ’s decision regarding my submission. 本人保證(1)以上所填資料正確無誤,(2)投稿之論文未曾出版過或一稿多投,(3)共同作者實際參與研究及論文撰寫,並非只掛名,(4)投稿之論文未違反學術倫理或侵犯他人著作權。如違反上述聲明,本人同意華岡英語期刊的處理辦法。
Signature 作者簽名 *
Date of Signing *
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