Kompass Skill-based Scholarship Test
This Skill-based Scholarship Test (SST), unlike an aptitude test based on Multiple Choice Questions, tests the ability of students to answer real-life situational questions. The test also assesses the practical thinking abilities of a student.
The student is expected to answer each question carefully, in not more than 100 words per answer. Authenticity, clarity of thought and articulation will be given due weightage.
All the best!

Email *
Name of the student *
Name of the School *
Name of the Parent *
Parent's Mobile Number *
1. Kompass Junior College has a Student Council which comprises a Head Boy, a Head Girl and a few more important Student Secretary level positions. You want to run for the position of the Head Boy/Girl. What credentials do you think will be important to get selected and perform the role well? *
2. Your best friend is upset with you and used some unkind words, which put a crimp in the relationship. What will you do to make amends? *
3. Your parents want you to study something after 10th that you certainly are not interested in. What would you do to convince them? *
4. Your school is organizing its Annual Day and the show will be compered by you. The final dry run is scheduled for tomorrow, and you still have a few rough edges in your compering script to polish. Meanwhile, your best friend, who has not met you for the last 6 months, thanks to the pandemic, has called you to their home tomorrow for a meetup with other friends. Unfortunately, the dry run and the party timings are clashing. How will you manage the situation? *
5. You are studying in Class 11th/IPE-1st year. Over the next 2 years, you will study for your IPE syllabus and prepare for the competitive exams for IIMs. You also plan to take a shot at SAT (for studying in US). Amidst all these, you do not want to miss out on the extra-curriculars as they add vital weight to your resume` when you apply to IIMs and other premier institutes. Share a plan that you will follow to ensure you have a thorough preparation. *
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