Design Consultancy for food production
Please complete this form if you would like to use our services to design your garden / balcony / allotment / farm
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Your name and email address *
What is the main objective of this design? *
What would you like to harvest from your space? *
What elements would you definitely like included in the design of your space? *
What is the size of your plot?  Ideally in metres *
When would you like to start implementing the design? *
Do you have a budget for the installation of the design?  As much detail here as possible please *
Are there any particular food production systems or plants or methods which you would like to know more about / have an interest in?
Do you have any experience of producing food?  Please list any experience here *
Have you ever been on any of the following courses?
Is there anything in your garden currently you wish to keep?  Please add details here *
Are you able to send us photos of your space?  Please send after submitting this form to *
Would you like our assistance in installing the design? *
Would you like us to train you in any aspect of food production alongside this design?  Please list here
How did you hear of us? *
Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more: or post questions here
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