Online Training  Follow-up
Thank you for watching Fairy Godmother Project's (FGP) online training! You must complete this which will let us know more about you and that you watched us online.
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Name *
Email *
Have you completed all the other steps for becoming a volunteer? *
What three things did you list at the beginning of the training? *
Now that you have learned about FGP, how can those three skills or interests be applied to volunteer work with us? *
After learning about our volunteer opportunities, did anything interest you that you hadn't considered before? If so, what? *
Did any of the jobs that require additional training appeal to you?  If yes, check the ones that you are interested in. *
We have the following committees for upcoming fundraisers and events. Please check the groups you would like to volunteer with *
Once you start volunteering for FGP, how will you answer this question if asked," Oh you volunteer for FGP? Are you supporting the Jones family?" *
Do you have any questions for us about volunteering? *
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