New Venture Development: Module 3 Quiz
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1. The part of the pitch where you present a remedy that is simpler, more effective, faster, and/or cheaper than the imperfect means your audience currently uses is the ___ section
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2. The part of the pitch where you acknowledge and dismiss competitors is the ___ section
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3. The part of the pitch where you describe how much value you have built into your new venture is the ___ section
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4. The part of the pitch that involves "raising the audience's pulse" is the ___ section
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5. The part of your pitch that benefits from your use of a value map is the ____ section.
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6. In the Action Figure Laboratories pitch, the big pain they presumably solve is
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7. Each of the following is a "winning attribute" of the coffee cup advertising pitch, EXCEPT
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8. When you are pitching you should keep in mind that the objective of making your pitch is to
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