Winter 2022 Innovation Day Sessions Registration
Available resources and funding to help you move OSU innovation from the lab to a license


Join this webinar hosted by the OSU Advantage office for OSU faculty and graduate student researchers to learn how you can take advantage of the funding and training opportunities that support innovation and entrepreneurship at the federal, state and OSU levels. At this webinar, you will also learn how to apply for a special $5,000 Innovation Award available from OSU Advantage.

Please note: we will be using the below submitted email address for further communications about the program and future opportunities. We will add your email to our mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time.

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First and Last Name: *
College/Department: *
What is your affiliation with OSU? *
Please tell us which session you plan on attending. *
Do you have a technology / idea / research project that you would like to see achieve societal impact? If so, please provide a short overview of the project below :
How did you find out about this webinar? (check all that apply) *
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