Fund Abortion Now Pledge Form
Resource Generation members have organized to create the Fund Abortion Now campaign to fund reproductive justice during this important moment. Over the past few decades, the US has seen major roll backs in safe, accessible abortion that is now quickly accelerating under the current Supreme Court. We believe this is a critical moment to fund chronically under-resourced abortion funds, which are an important part of the reproductive justice landscape. We have chosen the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF) as our redistribution partner and want to marshal at least $2 million from our members and their communities. While this campaign is primarily focused on abortion, we have recently updated this form to ask about reproductive justice organizing involvement so we can understand and highlight the existing work going on in this area as well.

Please visit our zine microsite at for links to fund NNAF, find your local abortion fund, and access our digital outreach tool kit to share this campaign with your network.

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Are you a member of RG or a part of the RG network?
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RG Affiliation
How would you like us to contact you to follow up regarding this pledge? *
How much do you pledge to contribute to NNAF or affiliated local abortion funds? Please specify if this is a one-time or multi-year pledge. The campaign length is 3 years and we highly encourage multi-year commitments as they help critical formations like NNAF plan for the future and grow their impact strategically. *
How do you plan to contribute? (Tick all that apply)
(Optional) How much do you pledge to other reproductive justice organizations (including SHERo Mississippi and Feminist Women’s Health Center)? Please also feel free to describe non-financial support to RJ organizations - including fundraising, organizing, volunteering, or paid work - if you feel comfortable.
(Optional) Would you like a member of the Fund Abortion Now team to contact you about collaboration opportunities within the reproductive justice space? Please note that this is a small team in a growing campaign, so we will contact you for additional information but can not make any other specific promises
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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