Playbreak Fall Registration!

We're excited to get back to our regularly scheduled sessions beginning the week of September 9! 

Our 6-week sessions are designed to introduce art, music, movement, and sensory/fine motor play while supporting social development. Our structured portion of the class will include singing, dancing, and games, and then we’ll move to open exploration of our weekly craft and sensory/fine motor stations, allowing for ample socialization among children and grown-ups too! Adult participation is required. Below are the age groups for our classes:

Toddler (15 months - 2.5 years old*) 
Preschool (2.5 - 5 years old*) 

*Age ranges are flexible to allow for the varying ranges of development that little ones go through - email if you have any questions.

Regular pricing below. Sibling receive 10% off:

1 Child: $125.00
2 Children: $237.50

Payment accepted via Venmo @playbreak or Credit Card here: 

All classes will be held at 124 Division St, East Greenwich (lower level of First Evangelical Lutheran Church or outside in the courtyard on nice days). 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Phone number (for any last minute changes/cancellations) *
Which 6-week session are you registering for? *
How many children are you registering (in same household)? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Child's Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Second child's name (leave blank if not applicable)
Second child's birthdate
Does your child(ren) have any allergies? Please list as our sensory stations are often food based (ex. rice, beans, etc)

Informed Consent and Acknowledgement

I hereby give my approval for my child’s participation in any and all activities prepared by playbreak during the selected session. I assume all risk and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities, and release, absolve and hold harmless playbreak and all its respective officers, agents, and representatives from any and all liability for injuries to said child(ren) arising out of traveling to, participating in, or returning from selected playbreak sessions.

In case of injury to said child, I hereby waive all claims against playbreak including all class leaders and affiliates, all participants, sponsoring agencies, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event. There is a risk of being injured that is inherent in all physical activities. 


Photography Permission

Are you okay with me taking photos/videos during classes for use on my website or social media channels?

Please send payment via Venmo @playbreak or Credit Card here:  *
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