Signatures for the PhD students' Manifesto
Signatures are anonymous by default. *** 1075 signatures on Feb 2nd 20:30 ***, from which

239 are RUG PhD scholarship students, and
836 are supporters, which includes, among others, PhD employees, University staff,

plus following organisations and PhD Councils:

The PhD Council of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering
The PhD Council of the Spatial Sciences
The PhD Council of the Faculty of Philosophy
The PhD Council of the Faculty of Law
The PhD Council of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences
The PhD Council of the Graduate School Campus Fryslân
The PhD Council of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies
The PhD Council of the Faculty of Arts' Graduate School for the Humanities
The PhD Council of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Promovendi Netwerk Nederland
APROVE Promovendi vereniging
Landelijke Studentenvakbond
Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg
FNV Onderwijs en Onderzoek
Branche Advies Raad UMC van de FNV
Vakbond voor de Wetenschap
CNV Overheid
Landelijke vereniging van Artsen in Dienstverband

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