Apply to Be a Drone Writer for Droneblog
If you’d like to get paid for your drone knowledge, and earn a little extra to cash for your hobby, then this is a great opportunity.
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Email *
Full Name *
Country of residence *
We need writers who REALLY know their stuff. Tell us a bit about your experience with drones so we can have confidence that what you write will be correct, and that you have the depth of experience to make your articles interesting. *
Which of the following have you done? (Mark all that apply, and be honest or it'll be obvious when we ask you to write on these topics) *
What drone do you currently own? *
If you are a certified drone pilot, how did you study for the test, and what course did you take?
It takes us time and effort to hire and train a writer, so we want writers to commit to working with us for a time. Can you commit to writing at least two articles per month on a consistent basis? *
Tell me just a bit about you as a person. Day job, family, other interests, career aspirations, etc. *
How did you hear about this form? *
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