ETHDam Volunteer
Thank you for applying to volunteer at ETHDam, 12-14 April 2024 at Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam. A conference and hackathon dedicated to Privacy and Security. 
As a volunteer, you are required to be present during the event to support the attendees, hacker and speakers have the smoothest experience during ETHDam. You might also be required to check in attendees, prep goodie bags, tend the wardrobe, be on guard for the night shift... the tasks are wide and you have to be agile and ready to swap and help your fellow volunteers.

Keep in mind, that you are the face of the event, and represent CryptoCanal while on duty.
Note that we do not cover for travel or accommodation, nor do we provide for invitation letters or facilitate visa application purposes.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name/pseudonyme *
Tell us about you and your motivation to volunteer at ETHDam.  *
Are you currently working or are associated with any crypto projects? If yes, please state the name(s).
Where are you based?  *
If you are not based in Amsterdam, please note that we do NOT cover travel or accommodation expenses, nor do we provide for invitation letters or facilitate visa application processes.
Rate your experience within the crypto industry. 
What is crypto?
I'm Vitalik
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Are you more interested in the conference or hackathon side of the event? If any work, please tick both boxes.
Have you volunteered at any crypto, developer or hackathon events? If so, where?
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Have you volunteered at any previous CryptoCanal events?
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What is your tshirt size? Please note tshirt sizes are unisex.
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Would you be available the whole 3 days? 
Please tick all the boxes that correspond. 
Closer to the event, we will ask you to chose your slots to volunteer, with precise time slots for specific tasks over the 3 days, with a minimum engagement of 10 hours. 
Share a fun fact about yourself 😊
Thanks for signing up! 
You will be contacted with further details on your engagement. 

Things move fast and calendars get filled tirelessly. By signing up, you commit to volunteering at ETHDam. It is only with a strong team of volunteers that we can make this event happen! 

So, please, if it's really necessary and things have changed for you at any point in time, let us  know you can't make it so that we can plan accordingly. 

Because by signing up here, we will be counting on you <3
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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