SSFS Transportation Registration Form for 2020-2021
Sandy Spring Friends School offers transportation for students in grades K-12 for students who are riding at least two (2) days a week.

Please submit this form once for each child riding the bus.

If you have any questions about bus routes or protocols please contact Cathryn Carnevale, Assistant Director of Facilities, Maintenance, and Transportation at 301-774-7455 x177 or via email at

If you have any technical issues or problems filling out this form, please contact our Technology Department at

Here is a link to see the full list of stops:

Here is a link to see an overview of the morning bus route:

Here is a link to see an overview of the afternoon bus route:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Parent First name *
What is your first name?
Parent Last name *
What is your last name?
Parent Phone number *
What is the best number to reach you at, if we have questions about your submission?
Student First name *
Please provide your child's first name
Student Last name *
Please provide your child's last name
Grade *
What grade will your child be entering? (We do not provide bus transportation for students entering PS3 and PS4.)
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