Google Travel Grants for Students in East Asia
Thank you for your interest in funding opportunities from Google.

Please visit for full program information (APAC tab, East Asia section). If you meet the eligibilities, please complete the form below for consideration for the travel grant.

The cap is 3000 USD towards travel and lodging cost (will be paid after the conference). Grant amount depends on cost for the international conference. 

Google's use of this data is governed by our privacy policy found at You may request access to, correction or deletion of your data by contacting us via Thanks!

REMINDER: please add [East Asia Student Travel Grants] to the email subject when sending emails to Thanks!

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Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Country/Region *
Your University *
Your University Address and Postal Code *
Graduation Year and Month *
Full-time Student *
Please enter the name of your Advisor(s) (if applicable).
Paper and Funding details
Research Area: *
Please choose the research area that most closely aligns with the accepted paper.
Conference Name *
What is the name of the conference for which you are requesting travel grants? Please include full conference name and the abbreviation.
Conference Website *
Conference Start Date *
Title *
Please enter the title of the accepted paper.
Primary Author *
Are you the primary author of the accepted paper?
Paper Status *
What is the status of the accepted paper?
Acceptance Rate *
Please enter the acceptance rate of the conference track where your paper has been accepted. Enter "Dont know" if the acceptance rate is not known.
Paper Acceptance Letter. *
Please share the acceptance letter with, either through Google docs or email. If via email, please add [East Asia Student Travel Grants] to the email subject. 
Travel grant amount you'd like to apply. *
Please indicate breakdowns of the travel and lodging cost.
Have you received funding support for this travel from your university or another organization?
If yes, please let us know more details. If no, please write "No". 
Please add a link to your Resume or CV. *
This is for us to assess your work to the field of interest for the conference.
Informed consent for demographic data
Completion of these demographic questions is optional and will not affect your application or participation in the program. We use them only for statistical purposes, to track trends and improve our programs. By answering any of these questions, you are consenting to our processing of that information for such analysis (for example, determining what percentage of respondents identify as a certain gender). If you do not wish us to process this data, please select "Prefer not to answer" or skip any or all of the demographic questions. To withdraw your consent for us to process this data at any time, contact
People whose gender is not male or female use many different terms to describe themselves. For the purposes here, “nonbinary” is an umbrella term to describe the experience of gender that is not male or female.
Your personal information (including gender) in the Application will be collected and used for the purposes of Student Travel Grants application process by Google LLC and its affiliates ( (hereinafter “Google”) and may be retained by Google for 1 year after such a process is complete. *
Would you like to be contacted about future Google events and opportunities? *
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