Commission Request
You want me to write for you? 🥺 I'm so excited! Tell me what you'd like!
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What is your @? *
Pick the most relevant genre for your request.
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Does your request include any romantic pairing you'd like me to focus on? Please list them. (If your ship doesn't have a standard ship name, please format it as such: Dazai x Chuuya.)
Tell me about your ~vision~ 😄 (be as detailed or vague as you'd like - we can discuss the details later) *
Select a rating for your request. (If you're not sure, just do your best. We can talk about it more later. 🥰) *
How long would you like your fic to be? *
Have you read and do you agree to the Terms of Service (the commission info page)? *
Anything else to add?
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