Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College School Talk 升中講座
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Details of the School Talk:
Date: 4th December 2021
Time: 9:30 am
Venue: School Hall & Classrooms (Live broadcast)

地點:本校禮堂及課室 (直播)

As there are limited seats, each family can register once only. Duplicated registration will not be processed.
由於座位有限,每個家庭只可登記一次。 重複之登記將不獲處理。

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to parents who have successfully registered by 2nd December 2021.
成功登記之家長將於 2021 年 12 月 2 日或之前收到電郵確認 。
Name of student 學生姓名 *
Name of primary school 現正就讀之小學 *
Current Grade 現正就讀之年級 *
Number of attendees 出席人數 *
As there are limited seats, a maximum of 2 attendees from each family will be accepted . 由於座位有限,每個家庭只限兩人出席。
Will you participate in the campus tour after the School Talk? 家長及學生會否出席講座後之校園遊? *
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