Elementary Schools: Alternative Transportation - February
Activity Submission Form Due Date: FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 2021
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E-Mail-Adresse *
School Information
School Name: *
Name of Green Team: *
Teacher Champion (teacher lead, Full name) *
What audience was the activity presented to? (Select all that apply) *
Total number of students that were educated through or participated in the activity? *
Total number of school staff that were educated through or participated in the activity? *
Total number of parents/family members that were educated through or participated in the activity? *
Total number of community residents that were educated through or participated in the activity? *
Activity Information
Which activity did your school participate in? *
If school created their own activity, was the lesson plan submitted to program manager via email? Schools must follow specific format, contact alexandra@dreamingreen.org for access. *
Provide evaluation of activity. Be sure to include summary, analysis of impact, ideas for improvement, and implementation of extension activity. *
Checklist for submission: *
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